1, online shopping
Product guarantee
2. How to buy online
For shopping at the bydpete online shop, we recommend creating an account and using the dedicated service, shortening the checkout procedure, order management and browsing order history.
As soon as your order is shipped from our online store warehouse, you will receive a confirmation email with a tracking number.
If you do not receive the confirmation email within 24 hours of placing your order, please contact Customer Service.
Once you confirm your order, you cannot usually modify or cancel your order online. For inquiries in such cases, please contact Customer Service.
For information on returns and refunds, please see the Returns section.
3, product guarantee
bydpete takes pride in craftsmanship and design. At our online store, we use only the finest materials and carefully inspect each and every product to ensure the highest manufacturing standards.
In addition, we guarantee that the products sold in this online store are free from defects in terms of materials and processing. Defects are extremely rare, but if you have any problems, please contact Customer Service.
This limited warranty does not include general wear, abuse, or theft as warranty.
Natural wear is inevitable for all products, so we recommend that you use them carefully.